ArtsMatter provides high-impact arts education programming for Los Angeles Schools.
As a leader in the Media Arts integration space, Artsmatter provides high-impact arts education programming for Los Angeles Schools.
By creating standards-based curriculum and instructional materials to be paired with hands-on Professional Development training for teachers, our mission is to increase student engagement in schools while building teachers’ capacity to integrate arts learning in their classrooms.
Trained teachers then become ambassadors in their larger school communities to activate county-wide impact projects to advance media arts education not only in Los Angeles, but in every city across the country.
The LA Promise Fund launched ArtsMatter in October 2012 to address the need for increased arts opportunities and creativity in LAUSD. At the time, only 2% of elementary school instructional time in LAUSD classrooms was being devoted to the arts.
“One in six jobs in Los Angeles is in the Creative Economy.”
Los Angeles is the world capital of media and entertainment, yet most LA County schools do not prepare students to take on jobs in these industries. ArtsMatter addresses these gaps by creating and sharing educational programming based in media arts to increase exposure and access to career pathways and equip students of color with the skills they need for success in the local creative economy.